Friday, February 13, 2009


In my preaching class this past week we looked at Mark 9:2-9.

Here's a link to the text (in several versions);&version=31;65;49;51;9;

We were to write as many sermon ideas as we could come up with. I only got 12 (one person came up with 50!). What do YOU think could be preached from this text? What do you hear God telling you in this scripture?

To inspire you a little more I'm also posting this picture that I found online. I believe this image hails from India, where resides the largest population of human beings afflicted with leprosy. This is the hand of one of those people who is being treated at a facility that cares for these men and women. I think the picture is absolutely beautiful. The caption that was below it was "Joy is more infectous than leprosy". I believe the man healed by Jesus would attest to that.