Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Psalm from "the Future of Our Church" on Sun. 10/12

Hey everybody!

Here is the "mad-lib" psalm that the youth made during the "Future of Our Church" segment of last Sunday's worship service. The parts in the [brackets] are the youth's contributions to the psalm.


Psalm 3.14159265358979323846…

a psalm of mad libs

O Lord,
You are [good].
and you are [BIG].
and you always [care for us].

When [my Dad dropped me on the head],
You were there.
When [I fell asleep in my oatmeal],
You were there.
When [I learned new stuff at school],
You were there.

[Thank you, God]!


Anonymous said...

hahah, "when my dad dropped me on my head" totally me when i was a kid.

Mike said...

Hey eggsnxgxtg! My e-mail address is on my profile. Why don't you go ahead and send me an e-mail and introduce yourself!?
- Peace and Love in Jesus' Name
- Mike