Thursday, November 12, 2009

Passing By God's Word...

Driving to school today I passed by this huge truck. I glanced at it quickly and what I saw really excited me, because what I saw was the words 'TACO TRANSPORT".

HOLY MOLY! Think of all those tacos! I wonder if they are all beef...or all chicken. They wouldn't put them together I'm sure for fear of cross says "TAC Transport".

How disappointing.
In my defense, I was tired and I it was only in that passing glance that I had the momentary hope that there would exist in this world a LARGE truck full of delicious tacos.

I think that reading the Bible, reflecting during the planning and experience of worship, prayer and pretty much any action of devotion towards God is much like this experience. We can't do it tired and we can't do it "at-a-glance". Something that has become super-apparent to me as a pastor is that I have no hope of adequately functioning in my ministry without two things: rest and time to reflect.
I wonder how much more I would get out of Scripture if I came to it with a rested mind, if I came to it unburdened by my anxieties and worries with a clear head and an enlivened heart. I also wonder how possible this is...

I suppose the fact that a "taco transport" is all it took for me to think all this reveals just how badly I need to really take time in scripture in such a way.

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