I know what you may be thinking; this Church doesn't even have the internet yet and a good number (if not most) of our members do not use computers. So what business do we have blogging?
Well here's an idea that I had - those of you who ARE reading this and answering my posts - how about you take these questions that I'm asking you and bring them to the rest of the congregation?
You might be surprised at the great stories you'll hear!
Go ahead and give it a try! Present these questions to some folks who you know can't get to this blog page. Send their replies to me and I'll post them.
This could be a great way to get to know more about your fellow Church members and to deepen your relationships with them!
Love the blog idea...You need to put the link etc in the bulletin too!
a new pastor at faith united, eh? i was thinking of visiting the church and seeing if i still know anyone there. then again i've been saying that for over a year now and have yet to do it.
Hey eggsNxGxTxG,
No better time then the present! If you go to the church website (www.gbgm-umc.org/faithaccokeek) my contact info is there. Give me a call anytime.
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